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Here’s How to Install QuickBooks on a Terminal Server

Install QuickBooks on a Terminal Server

Last Updated on March 11, 2025

The terminal server setup allows the applications to be installed on a central server. This central server has other computers linked to it, and they access the applications of the terminal server. The advantage is that the applications are not installed on the hard drive of individual computers. With QuickBooks on terminal server, multiple users can access the company file on a remote computer. With this guide to Install QuickBooks Desktop on a Terminal Server, we discuss the system requirements as well. Go through the article completely to properly setup QB on terminal server.

You can also get in Touch with Accounting Helpline Experts at 1.855.738.2784 for Help Installing QuickBooks on a Terminal Server

QuickBooks Desktop System Requirements for QuickBooks Terminal Server Installation

QuickBooks 2019 and Enterprise Solutions 19.0
1. Operating System:
  • Windows 10, all editions including 64-bit, natively installed
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 (Update 1), all editions including 64-bit, natively installed
  • Windows 7 SP1, all editions including 64-bit, natively installed (only supported until January 2020)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2011, Standard and Essentials
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (only supported until January 2020)
  • Internet Explorer 11 (32-bit)
  • 5GB of disk space (additional space required for data files).
2. Additional software:
  • Microsoft .NET 4.6 Runtime application that you can find in the QuickBooks installation disc. (A minimum of 60 MB disk space is required for the installation.)
  • Requirements for Intuit® Data Protect in QB Connected Services offerings (applies to the US and a minimum of 4.0GB RAM is required to use IDP).
  • Twice the size of the largest file set to back up + 100 MB or twice the size to restore. Storage space is only required from the work folder LocalApplicationData+” Intuit\Intuit Data Protect“.
  • Payroll and other online features and services require Internet access. At least a 56 Kbps connection speed (1 Mbps recommended). DSL or Cable Modem is recommended.
3. QuickBooks Pro 2019, Premier 2019, and Enterprise 19.0 with the following firewall and antivirus programs:
  • Windows Server Firewall (all editions)
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 Firewall (all editions)
  • Windows 7 Firewall (all editions)
  • Microsoft Security Essentials
  • Avast
  • AVG
  • Symantec
  • ESET
  • Avira
  • Kaspersky
  • McAfee
  • Bitdefender
  • Malwarebytes

Set the Administrator rights before you install QuickBooks on Terminal Server

Steps to give administrator rights for Windows 10 users
  1. Open Settings and from the option of Accounts, click on Family & other users.
  2. Select the Account Owner name and then click on Change Account Type.
  3. Under Account type, select Administrator and OK.
  4. Sign in with the new administrator account.
For Windows 8.1 and Windows 7
  1. To open User Accounts, click the Start button, click Control Panel, click User Accounts and Family Safety, and then click User Accounts.
  2. Next, select Manage another account. If prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  3. Click on Create a new account.
  4. Type the name you want to give the user account, click an account type, and then click Create Account.

Go through the steps below to provide Windows Users or programs the admin rights

  1. Close QuickBooks Desktop and navigate to the Windows Start
  2. From the Control Panel, select User Accounts.
  3. Find the QBDataServiceUserXX for your version of QuickBooks Desktop. For QuickBooks Desktop 2020, look for QBDataServiceUser30. For the 2019 version, look for QBDataServiceUser29. The number goes down for each version.
  4. In the Change the account type, select Administrator. Next, click on Change Account Type.
  5. You need to select Apply for each version of the QuickBooks Database Server Manager you use.

Detailed Instructions to Install QuickBooks Desktop on a Terminal Server

  1. Being the Windows Administrator, login to the server where you have to Install QuickBooks Desktop on a Terminal Server.
  2. Change the IE Security to medium by following the steps below:
  • From the Start menu, go to Control Panel and select Administrative Tools.
  • Under the Security Information section in Server Manager, click on Configure IE ESC.
  • Turn the status to OFF and click on OK.
  • Finally, turn off Windows Firewall.
  1. Next, you need to Activate the Terminal Server for QuickBooks:
  • In the Server Manager, from Roles, move to Add Roles and hit Next.
  • Tick the box Terminal Services and then follow the prompts.
  1. Install QuickBooks Desktop on a Terminal Server
  • Close all running applications.
  • On your keyboard, press Windows + R to open the Run
  • Type CMD, then select OK to open the Command Prompt.
  • To change the User Mode, type change user /install, then press Enter.
  • Download and install QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Reopen the Command Prompt.
  • Type change user /execute to change to Execute mode, then press Enter.
Additional Steps to import QuickBooks Terminal Server Permission
  1. All QuickBooks users must be given Full Control Permissions to the QuickBooks Data Folders.
  2. Give the QuickBooks users Full Control Permissions to the Intuit® Keys present in the registry.
  3. Click on the Windows Start button and in the search box, type Regedit.
  4. From the results shown, select regedit32.exe to open the Registry Editor box.
  5. Create a backup of the registry.
  6. Click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and then move to Software. Finally, from Intuit® select the option QuickBooksRegistration.
  7. Then you have to highlight your version of QuickBooks and right-click to select Permissions.
  8. Give Full Control to QuickBooks Users.

On Terminal Server, QuickBooks program and database management is more quick and easy. The responsibility of upgrading lies with the QuickBooks Terminal Server. Given above are the steps to accomplish the same. For queries linked to QuickBooks Terminal Server Permission or error with the process, contact us at 1.855.738.2784. The Accounting Helpline team will help you make the most of the infrastructure and perform it without hassle.

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