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QuickBooks Payroll Showing Overdue Status! Here’s How to fix it.

QuickBooks Payroll Showing Overdue Status

Last Updated on March 17, 2022

If you are getting payroll notification that you have unpaid payroll checks or the status is appearing as overdue, even after you have paid the scheduled payroll on time, then it might be either because of incorrect payroll schedule of an employee or outdated payroll. This article will walk you through the steps of eliminating overdue payroll notification without creating duplicate paychecks. If you are also dealing with an alert saying, you have overdue payroll, then follow the complete article for detailed instructions on How to change the payroll status to complete after processing.

Having Issues Updating Payroll Status in QuickBooks! Call Payroll Support Number 1.855.738.2784 for Assistance

How to Zero Out Payroll Overdue in QuickBooks

Download and Install the Latest Payroll Tax Table

  1. Make sure you have an active QuickBooks Payroll subscription.
  2. Open QuickBooks, and from under the Employees tab, click Get Payroll Updates.
  3. Checkmark the Download Entire Update box.
  4. Click Download Latest Update.
  5. After the download is completed click OK on the confirmation window.

Edit Payroll Schedule to Zero out Payroll Overdue

  1. Click Payroll Center from under the Employees tab.
  2. Select the payroll that is showing an overdue status under the Employees Payroll menu.
  3. Now from the Payroll Schedules drop down list select Edit Schedule.
  4. Now change the paycheck dates and pay period dates and hit OK.

Review and Change Schedules of Employees

  1. From the left side panel in QuickBooks select Workers and the hit Employees.
  2. Select the employee whose schedule needs to be changed.
  3. Scroll down and look for How often do you pay drop down list.
  4. Now select the proper payroll schedule.
  5. If you don’t find any payroll schedule, then click Add new and follow the on screen instructions to create a new payroll schedule and hit OK.

Delete the Schedule for an Employee that is not in use

  1. Click the Employee Center under the Employees tab.
  2. Select the employee and click the Payroll info option.
  3. Under the Payroll Schedule section if you see the payroll schedule that is no longer in use then select the payroll and delete its name by selecting the name and pressing Delete key on the keyboard.
  4. If you have more payroll schedules, those are no longer in use than you can follow the same steps to delete them.

Delete Payroll Schedules

  1. Go to the Payroll Schedule from the Employees menu.
  2. Under the Pay Employees section look for Create Paychecks.
  3. Now select the Payroll Schedule that needs to be deleted.
  4. Select Delete from under the Payroll Schedules drop down list.
  5. Click OK.

These are some of the easy techniques to get you the rid of overdue payroll status and you can easily delete overdue employee payroll notification from QuickBooks following them. If you want our help resolving the issues, then you can reach us at Payroll Support Number 1.855.738.2784.

Related Search Terms: Payroll processed but is showing overdue, How to change the payroll status to complete after processing, Paid payroll liabilities showing up as unpaid, How to eliminate the "overdue" for payroll, How to mark payroll as paid, Overdue payroll even though paid, I have an alert saying that I have overdue payroll, Payroll status not updating in QuickBooks, Eliminate overdue payroll notification, Zero out Payroll Liabilities, Delete Overdue Payroll Liabilities, How to Zero Out Payroll Overdue in QuickBooks

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